Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Not What You Know But Who You Know

Being at the Art Institute of Indianapolis, students are required to take a class called career development. This class is very beneficial for the students to be prepared for the job market after they graduate. Sitting in class today, something hit me, the quote "It's not what you know, but who you know." Back in the old days, a person was hired by their skills not by their social status or how many high class people they knew. People really did not have "in" into jobs, they just had the skills and qualifactions. Today, graduates and business people in general are required to network inorder to find a job. You will get the job if you have a connection to the desired company. For introverts, like myself, this concept is not ideal. We would rather show someone our work and get the job based on our skills and not how many networking events we go to or how many followers we have on all the various social networks. It could be a confidence issue that keeps me from getting out and meeting people, or it could just be that I am shy. Whatever the reason, I know I have to get over it and network with people. With this job market, I could use all the help I can get. I just hope that my future employer will care more about my work and not my contacts. Wish me luck as I will be career hunting in a year or so.

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