Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Portfolio Projects: Living Room Perspective

This is a continuation of the computer rendered floor plan. I created a hand drawn, hand rendered perspective of the living room used in the previous project. I used mostly marker to render the drawing with some colored pencil to aid light and highlights. I chose to draw all of the furniture pieces included in the plan, so certain elements like the fireplace and tables would not be blocked. I chose to render a stone fireplace to give the room some cool tones and add new materials. The wallpaper used in the space is a light green, organic design with small leaves, providing the room with outdoor features.

Portfolio Projects: Photoshop Floor Plan

For this project, I was given a basic living room floor plan and allowed to make various changes. The goal was to computer render the floor plan, according the materials we chose. I chose a rich, dark hardwood floor with a fun fabric for the rug. For the chair cushions, I chose a light green pulled from the rug. Overall, the space provides an area to relax but also to spend enjoyable family times. I stayed away from scanning in any of the materials I chose to give the plan a cohesive look.

Portfolio Projects: House Rendering

For this project, I was given the exterior drawing to start. I hand drew the brick detail, then hand rendered the perspective.I used mostly marker with a white colored pencil for highlights. I chose to render the house in warm, red brick and light browns to make the house look comfortable and inviting.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Portfolio Projects: Furniture Design

I designed a hand rendered, hand draw perspective of a love seat inspired by historical designs. The legs were inspired by the Greek ionic columns, as well as, the curved arms and scrolling back. The Egyptian papyrus leaf is gold laid into the piece. The cushion would be a dark green velvet. The same green velvet would be laid on the back of the piece, then a wood screen, inspired by the windows of India, would be laid over the fabric.

Portfolio Projects: Beauty Salon

I designed the interior of a beauty salon. The entrance of the salon is a retail store with a custom check out desk and built-in shelves to house the products sold. Behind the retail store is a healing and wellness room where guest may receive facial treatments. Across the hall is an employee break room, which includes employee bathrooms. Next to the wellness area is the nail styling room, across from the chemical area. A massage room is included to pamper guests as they wait for their hair appointment. A hair washing station is located behind the nail styling area. The hair styling stations are located in the circular design of the salon. The individual styling booths run along the wall with a centralized styling product station in the middle for easy access.

Portfolio Projects: Art Nouveau Library Part 3

I created a hand rendered, hand drawn perspective of the exterior of the media center located in the Art Nouveau library. The media center is a round room with a glass dome on top. The glass dome was a common element found in the Art Nouveau style. Book shelves run along the exterior of the room. The perspective also shows the back walls of the space with tall book shelves and the swirled wall covering on the exposed wall. I used mostly marker to render the perspective with colored pencil for accents and intricate designs.

Portfolio Projects: Art Nouveau Library Part 2

I created a hand rendered elevation of the cafe located in the Art Nouveau library. I used mostly marker to render the plan, but included colored pencil for accents and intricate designs. Centrally located on the back, round wall is a mirror inspired by an Art Nouveau window. The check out counter copies the curve of the back wall with a custom designed finish, which copies a wall covering used in the library reading space. Behind the register, shows two glass cases to house sandwiches and drinks with a chip wrack in the center.The cafe combines all the colors and designs used throughout the library.

Portfolio Projects: Art Nouveau Library

This was a group project to create an innovative public library that combined books and media information. Our assignment was to choose a historical style as the theme for the library. Our group choose Art Nouveau, because the style promotes comfort and creativity, which was our design goal for the library. The floor plan includes: a deli cafe for drinks, sandwiches, and snacks, computer media center, book shelves, a cozy reading area, and individual and group study rooms. I aided in designing the entire floor plan, especially the cafe and the media center.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lion King Project Continued

In the same space I used the smoothie bar, I also designed an adult wine bar. I created a hand rendered elevation of a wine bar. The bar has an organic bulk head above the bar to add a unique visual design and to assist in acoustical elements. The walls will be done in the same style as the smoothie bar. I designed an organic shaped bar as well, to tie in the nature feel. The bar is custom designed with a frosted, etched glass to resemble water. The lower half of the bar will have small rocks to represent pebbles on the bottom of a stream. The water element is copied in the center of the bar. I small waterfall will be flowing through the bar with the wine bottle stacked on both sides.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Portfolio Projects

I am attempting to put some kind of online portfolio together. I have reworked the presentation of these projects to make them more appealing. The project I worked on for hospitality design. I created a Lion King themed hotel. This section of the project is of a children's smoothie bar. The wall covering is various jungle foliage (think Rainforest Cafe). I varied the heights of the bar to accommodate all ages of children. A glass storage case is used to house the ingredients for the smoothies, allowing the children to see their choices. The inspiration for the smoothie came from Timon and Puumba's abode in Disney's the Lion King.